But is there a way you could turn that part time job into a successful business and start earning serious cash while doing something that you love? We’re here to tell you that there is a way and that it’s much simpler than you think. You can use your tutoring skills to create something long lasting and meaningful and we’re here to show you how. Create a website Nothing is better at showcasing you and your business than a well made website. SITE123 is a free website builder that allows its users to create beautifully designed, fully responsive websites for free. Use SITE123 to create a personal website that will make you look more professional and dedicated. Add your biography and your educational background to the About me page, and include testimonials from your former or current students. Add a booking widget You’ll need a powerful calendar/booking tool to keep track of all of your students and classes, and luckily SITE123 has a few amazing ones to offer. SITE123 currently offers Zapla, SimplyBookMe and Tockify, some of the best online booking apps available today. It fits seamlessly into your website and simplifies your scheduling and record keeping. It even sends out confirmation and reminder emails to your students when their appointment is due. Add a pricing chart Being transparent with your fees will make you look more professional and trustworthy. Browsing SITE123’s App Market, you’ll come across a few Ninja apps like Pricer Ninja and Charts Ninja. Add them to your website to make your pricing clear and visible. Add a short description of each class you teach and a price per hour per course. Add videos Having additional teaching material on your website will help your students learn more about your classes. Create a video and upload it via Huzzaz, a video gallery app you can add to your website. The player fits perfectly into any design and is incredibly fast and responsive. Conclusion Having an online base for your tutoring business will help it grow. Your students will have a quick and easy way to book appointments and share your website with their friends and family. Spending a lazy afternoon on your website can definitely bring more opportunities in the future. Ready to grow your tutoring business? Create a website now.